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ALSA Legal Training and Workshop 2020

On October 25th, 2020, ALSA Legal Training and Workshop (ALTW) was carried out. ALTW was free and held online through Zoom Cloud Meeting. The theme of this year's ALTW is "Pendaftaran Tanah Sebagai Kepastian Hukum Bagi Masyarakat". There were two sessions in ALTW, which were a seminar session and a workshop session.

The first activity was the seminar session moderated by Muhammad Harits. The speaker for the first seminar was Mr. Hotman Pardomuan, S.H., M.Kn from BPN South Sumatra Province, who explained the importance of land registration. Then it was followed by Mrs. Vegitya Ramadhani Putri, S.H., S.Ant., M.A., LL.M, who gave the materials on land disputes from an academic perspective. The last speaker was Dr. Heriyono, S.H., M.Kn from the Ikatan Notaris Indonesia Sumatera Selatan, who explained the procedures for making land deeds. The seminar session was running actively because the participants were very enthusiastic about paying attention to the material presented.

Then, a workshop session followed the seminar session. In this session, participants were invited to make land deeds by themselves. Then, Dr. Heriyono, S.H., M.Kn. was checked the land deeds by the participants. Then, he also explained the correct land deeds. ALSA Legal Training and Workshop (ALTW) activity ended with giving e-certificates to the speakers and a photo session.



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