Road to ALSA Legal Charity was carried out on May 6th, 2023
ALSA Legal Charity is the latest work program from the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya; this activity is carried out to realize the two pillars of ALSA, namely socially responsible and legally skilled, which are carried out in the form of several series of events. A talk show raises the issue of mental disability, fundraising as a socially responsible action, and pro-Bono, which will be carried out as a reflection of being legally skilled.
This activity aims to ensure the survival of persons with mental disabilities who have legal standing and have the same human rights as Indonesian citizens. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2016 and Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2011 have become legal protection for people with mental disabilities in Indonesia to avoid discrimination, violence, and injustice. In addition, the community needs equal rights and opportunities to lead a prosperous and independent life.