On September 21st–24th 1987, was held National Assembly Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesia (ISMAHI) in Makassar, the newly elected president of ISMAHI announced a thought that it is important for a law student to comprehend the difference of law system between ASEAN countries. Then, that idea was discussed on Sidang Rancangan Kerja Nasional ISMAHI in Denpasar on 1988. At that time, ISMAHI realized that it is really important to build an understanding between ASEAN countries in the field of law. Based on that background, then was decided to create a vessel for that purpose, called ASEAN Law Students Conference (ALSC). The Conference was held on May 15th–20th in Jakarta by inviting law students across ASEAN countries to attend ALSC which was supported by ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Law Association (ALA), Asia Foundation, The Government of Indonesia and other ASEAN countries Government. On the 4th day of ALSC, to be exact on May 18 1989, delegate contingent that were at present at that time which are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand announce officially the founding of ASEAN Law Students’ Association.
On 2001, a discussion was held on the proposal of merging ASEAN Law Students’ Association (ALSA) with The International Law Students’ Association Of Peking University (ILSA PKU), International Department Of Legal Aid Association Of Peking University, Law Association, Hong Kong University Union Of The University Of Hong Kong (ALSA HKUSU), Asian Law Students’ Association Japan (ALSA Japan), Asian Law Students’ Association Korea (ALSA Korea), dan Asian Law Students’ Association Taiwan (ALSA Taiwan) in Korea on 2001, which later known as The Seoul Declaration (SEOUL AGREEMENT).
Later on September 7th, 2002 was held Tokyo Conference, which was a continuation from Korean Conference and followed by the signing of Tokyo Agreement as an agreement of the merging of ASEAN Law Students’ Association (ALSA) with The International Law Students’ Association Of Peking University (ILSA PKU), International Department Of Legal Aid Association Of Peking University, Law Association, Hong Kong University Union Of The University Of Hong Kong (ALSA HKUSU), Asian Law Students’ Association Japan (ALSA Japan), Asian Law Students’ Association Korea (ALSA Korea), dan Asian Law Students’ Association Taiwan (ALSA Taiwan). But, the use of Asian Law Students’ Association yet to be official before October 23rd, 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand at the first Asian Law Students’ Association Conference.
Since the founding on 1989, ALSA Indonesia has gone through times of transition with the joining of some state universities as a member of ALSA Indonesia. Starting with the declaration of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung (Unpad) and ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Indonesia, Depok (UI) on 1989, ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya (Unair), and ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (UGM) on 1993, ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (Undip), ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Brawijaya, Malang (UB) on 1994, ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar (Unhas) on 1995, ALSA Local Chapter Univeristas Jember, Jember (UJ), ALSA Local Chapter Sam Ratulangi, Manado (Unsrat) on 2000, ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang (Unsri), ALSA Local Chapter Univesitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto (Unsoed) on 2001. 6 years later Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh (Unsyiah) joined ALSA Indonesia on 2007 and followed by Universitas Udhayana, Denpasar (Bali) 5 years later. On 2017, Universitas Andalas, Padang (Unand) officially even the numbers of ALSA Indonesia’s member into 14. ALSA Indonesia continues to spread its wings to increase the existence of ALSA Indonesia at the XXX National Conference held in 2023 by accepting Mulawarman University, Samarinda (Unmul). With this endorsement, the members of ALSA Indonesia even numbered 15 (15 Local Chapters).
The mention of ALSA Indonesia in ALSA International was originally ALSA National Chapter of the Republic of Indonesia (ALSA NCRI), but based on the results of the National Assembly XX in Jakarta, the reference was changed to ALSA National Chapter Indonesia (ALSA NCI). During the period of 1994–2002, ALSA Indonesia’s board was known as the National Committee headed by the Chairman of the National Committee. Then ALSA Indonesia’s governing wheels are run by a committee called the National Board, which is chaired by a President along with his board.
Based on the content of ALSA’s Constitution of ALSA, ALSA’s founding objective is to focus on global developments to achieve a promising future in Asia, to promote awareness of the law, to instill awareness of the importance of social responsibility for law students. To achieve these objectives, ALSA seeks to promote and develop understanding and respect for the different legal systems of each ALSA member country. Where in practice, ALSA aims to make its members as internationally minded students, socially responsible (Socially Responsible), academically committed (committed academically) and legally skilled. In addition, as a means to cultivate a sense of friendship among law students who are members of ALSA and as a forum for exchanging information and knowledge about legal issues developed in their respective countries.
Founder ALSA LC Unsri
Dr. Mada Apriandi Zuhir S.H., M.CL.
Dr. Meria Utama
S.H., LL.M.
International Board From
Febby Wanda Soraya
Director of Legal Training & Development 2024-2025
Renata Aurellia Alfatiha
Director of Organizational Training and Development 2022-2023
Insan Kamil
Director of Legal Training & Development 2023-2024
Javier Edbert
Director of Transcription and Communication 2021-2022
Salsabila Mauly Junaidi
Treasurer 2023-2024
National Board From
Muhammad Harits
Chief Officer of Sponsorship and Marketing ALSA National Chapter Indonesia
Muhammad Daffa Meizar
Chief Officer of Creative Design ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2021-2022
M. Rezza Hikmatullah
Chief Officer of Social Event ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2020-2021
Yessica Diana
Vice President of Academic Activities and Training II ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2016-2017
Putri Andriani Marvi
Vice President of Internal Affairs ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2009-2010
Arung Arafat Gumayra
Chief Officer of Creative Design ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2024-2025
Kiagus Muhammad Ezzad Al Hafiz
Vice President of Information, Communication and Technology Affairs ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2021-2022
Junio Ananda Mahendra
Vice President of Academic Activities and Training ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2019-2020
M. Abbas Noer Ramadhan
Vice President of Internal Affairs II ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2014-2015
Fifit Fatmalia Bahder
Board of Region Internal (West Region) ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2004-2005
Dejana Adita Zahra
Vice President of Financial Affairs ALSA Indonesia 2023-2024
Meydiza Nurul Alikha
Vice President of Internal Affairs National ALSA National Chapter Chapter Indonesia 2021-2022
Nicholas Parsintaan Pasaribu
Vice President of External ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2018-2019
Masagus Eka Arifin
Vice President of Internal Affairs I ALSA National Chapter Indonesia 2011-2012
of ALSA LC Unsri
Best Position Paper (Topic Pros & Cons of AI in Legal Services) on ALSA Forum 2024
Best Group of Mock GCM (Mock GCM Honorable Mention - NC Surat) on ALSA Forum 2024
Best External Officer - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Best Funding Officer - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Best ICT Affairs - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Nomation Best Financial Affairs - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Nomination Best ICT Officer - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Nominasi Best ALSA Care and Legal Coaching Clinic (CLCC) - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Nominasi Best Join Project (ALSA Study Club) - Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional 2024
Best Speaker Chamber 4 – ALSA Indonesia National Welcoming 2024
The Best Design Category of ALSA Indonesia Merchandise Design Competition 2023
Best Team Informal Activity - Pra-Musyawarah Nasional & ALSA Leadership Training (PALT) XXX 2023