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ALSA Fun Game

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

On August 29, 2020, The Internal Relations Division was carried out a daily event, namely ALSA FUN GAME, which aims to strengthen the kinship of members for refreshing everyone who has tried to and run the work program of the Internal Relations Division itself. This event was about to play Mobile Legend together. This activity was attended by members, demisioners, and alumni of the ALSA Local Chapter of Sriwijaya University. In this event, participants register with the Internal Relations Manager, then the participants are divided into several groups, one group contains 5 members. The total of participants who take part in this event are 30 participants.

The game session consists of 3 matches, each team that wins per match will get 3 points and the team that gets the most points will come to the next round.

This event started at 11 a.m which brought team 1 vs team 3 to the match, this match was won by team 1, then at 1 p.m the match continued between team 2 vs team 5 and was won by team 2, after that we have the rest time until 4 p.m, then it continued the match between team 4 vs team 6 which was won by team 4.

Because the preliminary round has been carried out, it came to the semi-final round which team 2 vs team 3 won by team 2 then goes to the final round which brought team 2 vs team 4 to the match and won by team 2.

Here are the members of each team:

team 1:

1. simon

2. ariensko

3. bayu

4. akmal

5. junio

team 2:

1. titaniko

2. sapta

3. dielfan

4. adam

5. arya sandiwa

team 3:

1. tobi

2. fadel

3. fadhlan

4. alzohir

5. kibek

team 4

1. abid

2. zaki

3. ongah

4. banjar

5. yudis

team 5

1. arif

2. master

3. dwiky

4. rizky

5. dwi

team 6

1. abel

2. muflih

3. ajik

4. dandi

5. levi



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