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ALSA Parents Socialization

ALSA Parents Socialization 2020 was held online on Saturday, 22nd of November 2020, via Zoom Meeting. Alsa parents socialization is an activity aimed at parents of members so that all of the parents could find out the activities in ALSA and what is ALSA from its history and development. The theme of this year's Parent Socialization is "Building the Spirit of Leadership, Organization, and Kinship through ALSA" this event is a work program of the Internal Relationship Division. This event was started with an opening by the Master of Ceremony, then continued with Singing Indonesia Raya and ALSA Anthem, followed by remarks from M. Abel Pratama as the Project Officer of this event. Then, it followed with remarks from Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman as Director of ALSA LC Unsri. It continued with remarks from the Dean of Faculty of Law and Readings Prayer. This event continued with the Video Screening of ALSA LC Unsri Members. Then, the talkshow started with the Opening by the Moderator, then the explanation of ALSA LC Unsri by Dr. Mada Apriandi Zuhir, S. H. MCL., Titanicko S. H., and finally by the Director, after that there was Q&A session and also Giving Suggestions / Inputs to ALSA LC Unsri by parents, then giving a Certificate to Dr. Mada Apriandi Zuhir, SH MCL., as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya, Titanicko, SH, as Former Director of ALSA LC Unsri 2017-2018, and Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman as Director of ALSA LC Unsri 2020-2021, then continued with the Inauguration King & Queen ALSA LC Unsri 2020 by Local Board, then a Photo Session and the last one is Closing by MC.



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