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ALSA Study Club #1

ALSA Study Club # 1 is a daily event from the Academic and Legal Development Division ALSA LC Unsri. This activity aims to prepare the members of ALSA LC Unsri for the Final Examination. ALSA Study Club # 1 was held via Zoom on November 29th, 2020. Participants who took part in ALSA Study Club # 1 were members of ALSA LC Unsri batch 2018, 2019, and 2020. This event started with an opening from the Manager Academic and Legal Development Division. Then, remarks from the Director of ALSA LC Unsri. After that, each batch entered the breakout room, and in the breakout room, there is a Person In Charge who will guide the course of the discussion session. Participants were given questions for last year's Final SExamination. Class 2018 discussed the courses on Etika dan Tanggung Jawab Profesi, Sosiologi Hukum, Filsafat Hukum, and Hukum Perdata Internasional. Class 2019 discussed courses on Hukum Pidana, and Hukum Perdata, Hukum Internasional, Hukum Agraria, and Hukum Maritim. Class of 2020 discussed the courses on Pengantar Ilmu Hukum, Ilmu Negara, Pengantar Ilmu Politik, Pengantar Sosiologi, and Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi. Each course had 30 minutes to work on it. After that, the participants discussed the answers to the Final Exam questions that had been distributed. ALSA Study Club # 1 ended with a closing session and a photo session.



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