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AMSA Universitas Sriwijaya X ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya

AMSA X ALSA JOINT PROJECT is a collaborative program between AMSA Universitas Sriwijaya and ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya in the form of social events. This event was held on Saturday, October 31st, 2020 via Zoom Meeting. This event is for the public, with the theme "Mental Health During Quarantine Covid-19".

This event started at 09.00 WIB and opened by the MC, namely Aiga Apriansa from AMSA Universitas Sriwijaya, then the remarks given by:

1. Project Officer : Ahmad Azwin Fadhlan

2. Representative of AMSA Unsri : M. Fayyad Taufiq

3. Director of ALSA LC Unsri : Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman

4. Wakil Gubernur Mahasiswa of Medical Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya: Arnold Yosua Raja P

The next agenda was a talk show session moderated by Dwi Ningsih Arianii, M.Psi., Psi. as a Clinical Psychologist. The first speaker was Dr. Muhammad Syaifuddin, S.H., M.Hum. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya who explained the legal arrangements and policies to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in Indonesia. Then, the second speaker was Samantha Ananta, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psi as a Child and Family Psychologist who explained about ???

After the presentation of the material, the participants asked questions directly through the zoom meeting. Then it continued by giving e-certificates to the speakers and moderators. The last agenda of AMSA x ALSA is a photo session and event closing by the Master of Ceremony.



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