One Day with ALSA was held on Friday, September 18th, 2020 at 04.00 p.m until 06.00 p.m. One Day with ALSA is an event held by the Human Resources Development Division. This event was held as a form of the responsiveness of the ALSA Local Chapter of Universitas Sriwijaya to the massive spread of Covid-19 (Corona Virus Diseases) in Indonesia and the method of lectures being conducted online (online) so that with this challenge, One Day with ALSA is the answer right to be done in order to continue the regeneration of the management in the Local Chapter of Universitas Sriwijaya. This event was also carried out so that the Freshmen of the Faculty of Law Universitas Sriwijaya know ALSA more deeply, and the hope of the output of this activity is that the Freshmen are interested and enthusiast about joining the family of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, by following the recruitment stages held by ALSA LC Unsri, namely P3AB and OLMA.
The One Day with ALSA was carried out via Zoom Meeting, which was preceded by an opening by the MC, singing Indonesia Raya and ALSA Anthem, remarks from the Director ALSA Local Chapter of Sriwijaya University, screening of the Local Board profile 2020-2021 video, followed by an introduction to the ALSA that was delivered by the Director of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya, then continued with a question and answer session and sharing with the Local Board. The last agenda is games, followed by a photo session.