Project Officer Class in its implementation was held via zoom meeting by explaining what a Project Officer is, what is a work program and the distribution, what is the Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1, and introduce the work program that will be open tender at the Rapat Umum 1 and Rapat Umum 2, explanation of the work program Guidebook of each manager concerned, tips and trick as well as PPT criteria for prospective Project Officers, sharing with the best Project Officer 2020, question and answer session and tips and trick in carrying out work projects, sharing with Local Board about their experiences as Project Officers, and followd by a group photo.
Project Officer Class activities pre the general meeting was held with the presentation of the progress report from the Project Officer that had been submitted. Elected at the Rapat Umum and continued with the presentation of the existing SOPs for each project by the Secretary General and the Related Manager. This event was held on August 15th, 2021, and this event aims as a means to introduce work programs that will be open tender at the Rapat Umum 1 and as a means to provide direction to the Project Officers regarding things. to do as Project Officer it is hoped that from this activity the members are intrested and enthusiastic to become Project Officer and understand what steps will be taken to become a Project Officer and carry out their duties properly if they been elected as Project Officer.