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The 13th ALSA English Competition

The 13th ALSA English Competition was carried out on November 25th - 26th, 2023.

ALSA E-Comp is a competition that aims to measure and improve participants English language skills through a series of educational and entertaining competitive activities. It provides a platform from individuals to showcase their language proficiency and communication abilities in a competitive and educational environment. This year, the 13th English Competition of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya has a new theme, namely "Unleash Your Voice, Empower Your Perspectives." With this theme, it is hoped that ALSA E-Comp 2023 will become a forum to motivate participants to be brave in making their voices heard and hone their way of thinking so that they can empower their perspectives. Embrace power in their voice and engage in discussions that span the globe, broadening horizons and nurturing a global mindset.



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