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ALSA Legal Discussion and Writing #1

ALSA Legal Discussion and Writing #1 was carried out on December 19th, 2021. ALSA Legal Writing and Discussion is a work program aimed at implementing the two pillars of ALSA, namely academically committed and legally skilled. The implementation of this activity consists of two sessions, namely a discussion session and a writing session, the discussion session is carried out in a range of 60 - 90 minutes and will then be ended by a writing session where participants summarize all of our discussions during the discussion session and can then draw a conclusion. The purpose of this activity is to trigger ALSA LC Unsri members who have critical thinking power in addressing a legal issue and increase member participation in legal writing.

ALSA Legal Writing and Discussion is aimed at fulfilling the two pillars of ALSA, namely being academically committed and legally skilled. The purpose of ALSA Legal Writing and Discussion is to make ALSA LC Unsri members have critical thoughts about legal issues that are currently hot at that time and then after the discussion session the participants will return to writing the results of discussions that have been carried out previously, and this is It is also intended to support members' legal writing skills.

In this ALSA Legal Discussin and Writing activity, we discussed the implementation of Permendikbudristek No. 11 of 2021 which regulates the prevention of violence in the scope of universities. Various opinions and perspectives were present in this activity to review further the applicability of the Permendikbudristek itself and for the realization of conditions for higher education without sexual violence.



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