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ALSA Training 101 #1

The ALSA Training 101 activity is a platform for ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya members to improve the skills set of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya members through zoom meetings. Bringing in speakers, namely trainers from the negotiation field. The material output expected from this activity is that participants who take part in these activities have improved their soft skills in the field of negotiation. So that participants can solve a problem by using negotiation techniques to reach a mutual agreement.

This event was held on August 29th, 2021. This event aims to improve skillset in the aspect of the participation for the ability and comprehensive understanding of the members, to train each member to be able to reach an agreement between the two parties, to train the soft skills of members, especially in the field of public speaking and to traing members soft skills in problem solving and decision making.



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