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Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1

Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1 ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya were held at the beginning of the management period of the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya Local Board. This event was held on August 21th-22th, 2021. The first agenda of this event was the opening ceremony, then it continued with opening speech, Local Board profile, inauguration, and pin pinning by the Director of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya 2021/2022. The plenary session 1 when the Local Board submits progress report for one month then QnA session.

The next day plenary session 2 was continued with the tenderization of the work program of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya. Here are the names of the elected Project Officers at Rapat Umum 1:

  1. Parents Socialization: Reza Juliansyah

  2. Pengenalan dan Penerimaan Partisipan Anggota Baru (P3AB): Jelita Permata Sari

  3. Organizing, Leadership, and Management of ALSA (OLMA): Irsyad Harahap

  4. ALSA Anniversary : Dejana Adita Zahra

  5. ALSA Legal Opinion Competition: Fauqa Shafa Qurbani

  6. ALSA Legal Training Workshop: Gloria Atma Siburian

  7. ALSA Legal English Courses: Annisa Melani

  8. ALSA Legal Visit: Syntia Arsita Farali

  9. Care and Legal Coaching Clinic: Vita Sylvaniesha

  10. ALSA Legal Charity: Abdul Baqi

  11. ALSA X AMSA Goes to Public: Theresa Esmeralda

  12. ICT Laboratory: M. Alifyah Chandra

  13. Journey Magazine: Devi Ramadhayanti



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