The introduction and acceptance of new member participants (P3AB) ALSA Local Chapter Sriwijaya University lasted for one day online. This activity was held on Saturday, October 17th, 2020, through the Zoom Meeting. This activity began with the opening of the Master of Ceremony followed by singing the Indonesian Raya song and ALSA Anthem, followed by remarks by the P3AB ALSA LC UNSRI 2020 Project Officer, followed by remarks from representatives of the National Board which was filled by M. Rezza Hikmatullah as CO of Social Event of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, then remarks by the Director of ALSA LC UNSRI, Fadhlan Taufiqurrahman as well as opening the 2020 P3AB event.
The first agenda was the introduction of ALSA INDONESIA by the NationalBoard which should have been filled by Melati Ayu Pusparani as Vice President of Internal Affairs of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia but because she was unable to do so, she was replaced by Bella Maria Brigitta as Vice President of External Affairs of ALSA National Chapter Indonesia, followed by the introduction of ALSA LC UNSRI by the Director as well as introducing the ranks of Local Boards and presentations from each Local Board for the 2020/2021 period regarding the Job Description of each Local Board. The next event was the Sharing Delegates of the ALSA International event where the Asia Pro bono Conference was filled by Nicholas ParsintaP, S.H, the ALSA Conference was filled by Aidil Fikri Moututinuri, and the ALSA Forum was filled by A. Muflih El Zuhdi, which was then followed by ISHOMA.
After ISHOMA, a Video Teaser from the Committee was played. Then, the next event was a Talkshow session moderated by Annisa Tiara Justitia as Treasurer of ALSA LC Unsri, filled by the speaker Masagus Eka Arifin, S.H. and Muhammad Riduan, S.H. Then, the agenda continued with the Introduction to the NMCC Program by M. Arif Irfansyah as Manager of the Moot court Division. Then an interview was held for the participants of P3AB ALSA LC Unsri where the interviewers were Demisioners and Local Board of ALSA LC UNSRI.
After the interview, it was continued with the OLMA presentation by PO OLMA 2020. The last agenda was the King and Queen 2020 presentation and closed with a group photo and singing the ALSA Anthem song.