On March 8th-10th, 2021, The 11th English Competition was carried out. The 11th English Competition was held online via Zoom Cloud Meeting. The theme of The 11th English Competition is “New Chances, New Wonders”. The 11th English Competition was held for high school and college students across the nation. For high school level, there are 4 categories of competition: Speech, Story Telling, News Casting, and Debate. For varsity level, there are 2 categories of competition: Speech and Paper Presentation. The first day of The 11th English Competition started with the opening ceremony by the MC then the division of each round of competition was read out starting with the preliminary Round for News Casting, Speech High School, Story Telling, and Speech Varsity.
The second day of The 11th English Competition was continued with the Semi-Final Round for each branch of the competition. On the last day of the 11th English Competition, the final round for each competition was held. As well as closing ceremony and winners announcement for each competition.