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English in Your Area #1
ALSA English in Your Area is work program where you can talk and mingle with other members freely using english. And the main attraction...

Jajanan Khas ALSA (JAKSA) #1
The Jajanan Khas ALSA (JAKSA) is an activity that provides snacks, both heavy food, snacks, and drinks that are sold to the wider...

ALSA Introduction
ALSA Introduction is an event held by Human Resources Development Division. This event was held as a form of ALSA responsiveness Local...

ALSA Training 101 #1
The ALSA Training 101 activity is a platform for ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya members to improve the skills set of ALSA Local...

Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1
Inauguration and Rapat Umum 1 ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya were held at the beginning of the management period of the ALSA...

ALSA in PKKMB Universitas Sriwijaya 2021 is one of the work programs of the Human Resources Development Division that aims to introduce...

Project Officer Class #1
Project Officer Class in its implementation was held via zoom meeting by explaining what a Project Officer is, what is a work program and...

DnA Hearing
This Demisioner and Alumnus Hearing (DnA Hearing) is an event from the Demisioner and Alumnus Division which has an agenda of introducing...

ALSA Sharing and Gathering
ALSA Sharing and Gathering in its implementation are carried out through Zoom Meetings starting with presentations from each manager,...

Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual dalam Ruang Lingkup Kampus
ALSA LEGAL AID #1 Pertanyaaan : akhir-akhir kasus pelecehan di lingkup kampus kian meningkat, lalu bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi...

ALSA Legal Goes To School
ALSA Legal Goes To School with the theme of this event is "Enforce the Law with Knowledge”. This event presents as a discussion forum...

ICT Laboratory 2021
ICT Laboratory 2021, The theme of this event is "Logo Design 101: All You Need to Know About Effective Logo Design and How to Make It"...

ALSA BERBINAR #2 with the theme "Upaya Pencegahan & Penanggulangan Radikalisme dan Terorisme", which will be held on: Day,Date: Saturday,...

ALSA Social Act #2
ALSA Social Act #2 with the theme “A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle”. This event will be held on : Day, Date: Friday,...

ALSA English In Your Area #2
ALSA English In Your Area #2 was held on May 5th, 2021 at 01.00 pm via Zoom Meeting

ALSA Study Club #2
ALSA Study Club #2 was held on 3rd of May, 2021 via Zoom Meeting

ALSA English Daily Lessons #2
ALSA English Daily Lessons #2 was helc on May 1st, 2021 Via Zoom Meeting

ALSA Mooting Class
ALSA Mooting Class was Saturday, April 24th, 2021, Time: 9.00 a.m., via Zoom

ALSA Breakfasting
ALSA Breakfasting was held on April 30th, 2021 at Kampoeng Kayoe Restaurant, and held with Health Protocols

ALSA Social Act #1
The collaboration between the Social Event Division and English Development Division of ALSA LC Unsri present you “ALSA Social Act” with...

ALSA Member Upgrading #3
ALSA Member Upgrading #3 was held on Saturday, April 17th, 2021 Time: 01.00 p.m via Zoom Meetings

ALSA Legal Writing and Discussion #2
ALSA Legal Writing and Discussion #2 was held on Saturday, April 17th, 2021 Time: 01.00 p.m via Zoom

ALSA Olympic Day 2021
ALSA Olympic Day was held on April 4, 2021 via zoom meeting and Even though it was held Online, it didn't eliminate the...

ALSA Anniversary
ALSA Anniversary was held online on March 27th, 2021 through a Zoom Meeting. Even though it was held Online, it didn't eliminate the...
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